Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Letterpress Workshop in Italy: Take 1

The first ever edition Pirouette Press workshop along side Officina Tipografica Novepunti, letterpress design group from Milan, took place this last weekend at the Museum of Printing. The theme was to make typographic Christmas cards using wood and/or lead type. The participants dug in and just after a few hours were in the 'printing zone’.  There is a new and fast growing wave of letterpress printing in Italy, and it was exciting to see this historical Italian type made by historical type foundries put back to work!

collage workshop
Top left clockwise: Print proofs, Matteo Vio and Jacopo Mencacci of 9PT,
Merry Christmas card project by Paola Paoletti, Partipants Paola Paoletti and Alessia Ambrogio 
Me recording the awesome work!